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Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics

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This paper model is XV8 Crisis Battlesuit, the mainstay general combat Tau Battlesuit utilised by the warriors of the Fire Caste of the Tau Empire, from Warhammer 40K series, the papercraft is created by Jim Bowen.

  1. The Tactics Corner is an informational resource of useful tactics articles for your favorite units for 8th edition 40k! We're adding articles frequently, so come back and check on this page periodically. Also, if you'd like to contribute tactics articles, contact Reecius at:
  2. Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (5th Edition), pg. 129; Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (4th Edition), pg. 128; White Dwarf 40 (December 2019), 'Worlds of Warhammer' by Phil Kelly, pg. 10; White Dwarf 317 (UK), 'Eavy Metal: Heroes of the Tau Empire' White Dwarf 316 (UK), 'Index Xenos: Vespids' White Dwarf 315 (UK), 'Battle Report: Death on Kol'n - Tau.

It mounts a vast array of fearsome ranged weaponry as well as a complement of technologically advanced support systems on a comparatively small and agile frame that offers the Tau pilot within exceptional protection. Of all the weapons systems employed by the Tau, the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is easily the most distinctive and recognisable due to its reputation as an efficient and lethal weapon of war.

Warhammer 40K Doctor: Fixing T'au Empire. One of the classic T'au tactics of yore was known as 'Fish of Fury' in which a large number of Fire Warriors or Breachers would rush forward in Devilfishes, then jump out at point blank range and unleash a storm of firepower. Tau; Warhammer 40k; Read Comments (45).

The XV8 Crisis Battlesuit strikes a perfect balance between offensive capability, armoured protection, speed, manoeuvrability and utility. It is a towering Tau Battlesuit, easily twice the size of the Fire Warrior who wears it. A wonder of Earth Caste engineering, only the Tau could master the secrets of producing the dense nanocrystalline alloy that forms the thick protective armour of the XV8. When it comes to deflecting and withstanding damage, the XV8's armour is comparable to the ceramite used by the Imperium of Man's Space Marines, but weighs substantially less. Agile for its size, the XV8 is extremely manoeuvrable as it mounts a Jetpack with repulsor jet engines -- another unique Earth Caste invention that combines the functionality of a jet with antigravitic technology. These powerful thrusters allow the XV8 to vault battlefield obstacles and to make bounding leaps to gain advantageous firing positions, or to avoid incoming shots. By firing off the jets to slow descent, it is possible for a warrior in a XV8 Crisis Battlesuit to make a combat drop -- arriving to the battlefield suddenly by leaping from an airborne Orca or Manta transport aircraft. While its protective armour and mobility are highly valued by the Tau, it is the ability of the XV8 Battlesuit to carry multiple weapons and support systems that makes them so incredibly dangerous and versatile. Designed to compensate for the recoil of light weapons fire, the XV8's weapon loadout can be easily altered to reflect mission requirements or the pilot's own personal preference. Additional upgrades, from Multi-Tracker fire-control systems, to Homing Beacons or Shield Generators, further enhance the fighting abilities of this impressive Battlesuit.

Warhammer 40k tau tactics titan

To the Tau, the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is more than just a powerful weapon of war; it is also the foremost symbol of great achievement, honour and reputation. Only those Fire Warriors who prove themselves in battle earn the right to wear it and bear the name of Shas'ui –- the first honoured rank that can pilot a Tau Battlesuit. To do so is a great honour, and means the Fire Warrior has passed his first Trial by Fire. This is the aspiration of every Fire Caste warrior -- recognition of a mastery of the Code of Fire and noble service to the Greater Good.

Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics Battle

The XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team is the most widely deployed of any Tau Battlesuit formation, for they are the very epitome of Tau warfare -- mobile, flexible and absolutely bristling with firepower. A XV8 Crisis Battlesuit squad is an elite force and often forms the cutting edge of a Hunter Cadre's attacks; they can be used as a powerful reserve held by the Tau Commander, to counter-attack against advancing foes or to deliver the final hammer blow that is unleashed to break the opposition once and for all. Trained to operate either alone or, more commonly, in teams of two or three warriors, XV8 Crisis Teams can be equipped to handle a variety of battlefield roles and can operate to maximum effectiveness in many different environments with simple system load-out changes. For instance, to combat vast numbers, a Crisis Team might employ many Burst Cannons, as its high rate of fire is ideal for scything down lightly armoured infantry. Against more powerful or heavily armoured foes, the ceramite-melting blasts fired from Plasma Rifles are preferable, while the close-ranged Fusion Blaster is unrivalled for tank-hunting teams. Different Tau Septs have their own preferred weapon and support system fits in accordance with their proscribed tactics. For example, the Crisis Teams from Vior'la have a predilection for what is called the Sun Forge configuration -- three XV8 Crisis Battlesuits operating together in a formation known as a ta 'ro 'cha - 'three minds as one' in the Tau Lexicon. XV8 Crisis Battlesuits are versatile and formidable weapons that the enemies of the Tau Empire have learned to respect, and these weapon systems are a prevalent sight in the military forces of the Tau Empire. [Source: wikia]

Warhammer 40k tau tactics pc

You can download these papercraft templates here: Warhammer 40k - Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Free Paper Model Download [DropBox] [Gavitex]


To the Tau, the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is more than just a powerful weapon of war; it is also the foremost symbol of great achievement, honour and reputation. Only those Fire Warriors who prove themselves in battle earn the right to wear it and bear the name of Shas'ui –- the first honoured rank that can pilot a Tau Battlesuit. To do so is a great honour, and means the Fire Warrior has passed his first Trial by Fire. This is the aspiration of every Fire Caste warrior -- recognition of a mastery of the Code of Fire and noble service to the Greater Good.

Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics Battle

The XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team is the most widely deployed of any Tau Battlesuit formation, for they are the very epitome of Tau warfare -- mobile, flexible and absolutely bristling with firepower. A XV8 Crisis Battlesuit squad is an elite force and often forms the cutting edge of a Hunter Cadre's attacks; they can be used as a powerful reserve held by the Tau Commander, to counter-attack against advancing foes or to deliver the final hammer blow that is unleashed to break the opposition once and for all. Trained to operate either alone or, more commonly, in teams of two or three warriors, XV8 Crisis Teams can be equipped to handle a variety of battlefield roles and can operate to maximum effectiveness in many different environments with simple system load-out changes. For instance, to combat vast numbers, a Crisis Team might employ many Burst Cannons, as its high rate of fire is ideal for scything down lightly armoured infantry. Against more powerful or heavily armoured foes, the ceramite-melting blasts fired from Plasma Rifles are preferable, while the close-ranged Fusion Blaster is unrivalled for tank-hunting teams. Different Tau Septs have their own preferred weapon and support system fits in accordance with their proscribed tactics. For example, the Crisis Teams from Vior'la have a predilection for what is called the Sun Forge configuration -- three XV8 Crisis Battlesuits operating together in a formation known as a ta 'ro 'cha - 'three minds as one' in the Tau Lexicon. XV8 Crisis Battlesuits are versatile and formidable weapons that the enemies of the Tau Empire have learned to respect, and these weapon systems are a prevalent sight in the military forces of the Tau Empire. [Source: wikia]

You can download these papercraft templates here: Warhammer 40k - Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Free Paper Model Download [DropBox] [Gavitex]

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For more infomation please visit: Warhammer 40k - Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Free Paper Model Download at

The Tau are the new army in the galaxy. Bristling with high tech weaponry the Tau are fast and hard hitting.

To use these pages you will need the new 2013 Tau Codex and the Main Warhammer 40k rulebook. If you do not have these yourself, you will need regular access to them.

General Tau Tactics

There are some tactics that are useful for several different units or need to be considered for the whole army.

Good In Low Point Games

Became the basic Tau weapon is so good, you do not need as much heavy support in low point games ( under 1000 points ). This has been highlighted in the latest Kill Team box set where Tau are pitted against Space Marines.

Use your Drones

The Tau drones are a very useful addition to a unit. You will find that most units can have additional drones attached. In the 2013 Tau Codex the range of drones available have been expanded. Have a look at each type and play with the combinations to find a mix that works for you.

The Tau Gun Line

The Tau troops have a great standard ranged weapon, but they are very weak when it comes to close combat. For this reason the best tactic is usually to hold back and gun down the enemy as they approach.

The pirate bay amtlib for mac adobe captivate cc 2017 64-bit. For an effective gun line you will want to set up where you have a good line of sight to where the enemy may come from, and hopefully a nice open ‘ Kill Zone ‘ between the enemy and yourself.

Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics 40k

Arrange the units so that they can give each other supporting fire. Wiping out whole units at a time will mean that there will be fewer attacking units in the long run. This means that you will want to focus your fire on key enemy units with several of your units in the same round.

If the enemy have a number of template ranges weapons be careful to hide behind cover if you can, and not to bunch up too tightly.

Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics Guide

Supporting Fire

Supporting Fire is a new rule that applies to most of the Tau army and allows units to offer supporting overwatch fire to other units in 6″. As the many Tau units can take Counterfire Defence System upgrades ( Tau Codex P68 ) that allow them to overwatch using BS5, this can offer a devastating amout of fire upon charging

Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics Pc


Warhammer 40k Tau Tactics

Another example of Tau technology is the markerlight system. These are fired in the same way as regular shooting weapons, but they do not cause damage themselves. Instead they allow other models with bigger weapons to hit more effectively, for example increasing the shooters BS, or adding ‘ ignore cover ‘ for that turn to weapons that
would otherwise allow a cover save.

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